Hear what Sabrina's past clients have to say
Sabrina is calm, non-judgemental and patient. I’m so grateful for this. Working with her has made me realise that my thoughts and feelings are valid and completely normal (that it is not unusual to feel the way I do, given my experiences).
Private online client
An excellent counsellor and therapist who I would recommend to people who need support with domestic violence - abuse, anxiety, trauma, stress and family solutions. Sabrina is approachable and accommodating, she provided a high-quality experience to our service users. The result was changes in their emotional health and well-being. I find the experience of working with her comforting and reassuring because she relates to people very well and builds a rapport with services, families and individuals from all backgrounds and ages. One thing I liked was her calmness and sensitivity to service users. Always going that extra mile to be supportive! I am very pleased with the service she provides
Munaza, Parenting U
The process of reflection has not been easy but it has been eye-opening and liberating. I can finally see that I will heal — it just takes time and EFFORT. Online sessions are just as useful as they are in-person, especially since we had already built a rapport in person
Private online client
I found it helpful to understand how a healthy relationship is meant to be and then you can assess the relationships you have and if they are healthy or not. It was good to be able to understand why the things people do make us feel bad and how things in early childhood can affect relationships in the present and future. I feel better equipped to approach situations differently now
ROSE Programme attendee
Before meeting Sabrina, I thought that feeling anxious all the time and bottling up feelings was ‘the norm.’ But she has taught me so much about myself, encouraging me to look and question inwards, supporting me through troubled times and teaching me ways in which I can not only help myself, but help those around me too. With her support over these last few months I have managed to really enjoy the good moments, survive the tough moments and learn more about myself than I ever have. Sabrina has helped me realise that I am far stronger than I give myself credit for and that asking for help can only ever be a good thing.
A Private face-to-face client
The session opened my eyes. It was so good. I learned so much about boundaries and how to be specific with them, how to set them and why I need them! Sabrina’s ‘The Survival Brain’ session was very interesting and it made it easy for me to understand about the body’s flight or fight response and how this can affect me in the day-to-day. I have more information about anxiety and depression, so I can easily find ways to help myself feel less overwhelmed and low.
Rose Programme attendee
I approached Sabrina because I needed therapist support for a service user. I picked her over others as she was okay with the fact that payment was dependent on funding from our contractor. Sabrina was extremely flexible and helped us by providing face-to-face and telephone support to my service user in a very flexible way (sessions in the evening when clients son was asleep etc). As a result my service user felt listened to and felt really supported
Alison, Hestia Housing
Sabrina taught me about learning to trust my own instincts and having boundaries with people. I now feel able to trust my own judgements and instincts. She’s helped me learn not to take responsibility for other people’s behaviour
Private face-to-face client